【適用對象】想節稅的澳洲永久居民或公民- 收入在$45,000~$250,000的人的節稅方法
Q: 為什麼要多放錢到Super裡面?
A: 因為Super環境下只收15%*的稅。
舉例來說,年收入15萬的人,如果犧牲$10,000的薪水,把這部分存到自己的Super帳戶,ATO 會收取$1,500的稅 ($10,000 X15%),但如果放在自己銀行戶頭,ATO會收 39% 的稅 (Income tax at 37% + 2% Medicare Levy. Based on 2021/22 tax rates),也就是$3,900的稅。選擇犧牲$10,000放到Super可以省下 $2,400的稅。
方法一: Sacrifice pre-tax salary into super,又可稱為薪水犧牲,由雇主直接轉進你的Super帳戶。
比方每周稅前薪水本來是$2,500,和雇主談好放$200進入Super,只領$2,300的稅前金額。這個方法的好處是收不到這筆錢就不會花掉,強迫儲蓄的概念,也不用額外提交表格給Super公司,但要定期檢查雇主有轉錢到你的退休金帳戶、pay slip金額要正確。
方法二: Make an after-tax contribution to your super+ Claim a tax deduction,自己轉錢進去退休金帳戶,再提交ATO Notice of intent to claim a deduction 的表格給你的退休金公司。
提醒Concessional contribution cap一年不要超過$27,500**。雇主本來就該給你的 (薪水X 10% )+ 你自己額外放進Super的總額不能超過$27,500。
想了解更多請聯繫你的Financial adviser 或者ATO 網站。
* Individuals with an annual income above $250,000 will pay an additional 15% tax on concessional super contributions within the cap.
**Contributions caps and eligibility conditions apply when using this strategy. Penalties apply if you exceed the relevant contribution cap.
此文不討論 Carry forward unused concessional contribution.
The information on this article is general in nature and does not take into account your personal circumstances, financial needs or objectives. Before acting on any information, you should consider the appropriateness of it and the relevant product or strategy having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs. In particular, you should seek independent financial advice and read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement or other offer documents prior to acquiring any financial product or making any formal financial decisions.